What is it?
Electroacupuncture is similar to Acupuncture. It involves the use of thin needles to stimulate specific pressure points linked to unwanted symptoms.
In standard Acupuncture, one needle is used at each treatment point. Electroacupuncture is a modified form that uses two needles.
A mild electric current passes between these needles during treatment. This current generally applies more stimulation to acupoints than needle twirling or other hand manipulation techniques an acupuncturist might use.
What do people use it for?
People use Electroacupuncture to address a range of symptoms and health issues, including:
How does it work?
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, your well-being and health depends on the free flow of Qi (energy) in your body.
This energy travels along invisible pathways, known as meridians. These are found throughout your body.
Qi is believed to help keep your body in balance and promote its natural ability to heal itself.
A blocked or disrupted flow of Qi can negatively impact physical and emotional well-being and initiate the start of a illness.
That’s where Electroacupuncture comes in.
It stimulates the points linked to your symptoms to help restart the flow of qi.
Two needles are placed around the point while a machine delivers an electrical impulse to them.
Electroacupuncture is intended to help increase the potential healing effects of standard acupuncture.
Does it hurt?
The electrical current used in Electroacupuncture doesn’t act on you directly. While you might feel some tingling or vibration, you shouldn’t feel any pain during the treatment, aside from a quick prick when the needle is placed. Many people report not feeling any pain, even with needle insertion.
What are the benefits of it?
May improve joint pain and swelling.
Prevents and reveres muscle atrophy (loss of muscle mass/tissue)
Enhances rehabilitation of muscles.
Increases range of motion for tense muscles or tendons.
Reduces stress and discomfort.
Improves blood flow and circulation.